Explorers Connect


Dive Expedition to Ascension Island

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Introducing an exciting marine survey of one of the worlds most remote islands. Ascension Island, an isolated volcanic island in the equatorial waters of the South Atlantic, around 1,600 kilometres from the coast of Africa and 2,250 kilometres from the coast of South America, harbours globally important biodiversity, potentially representing a unique assemblage of western and eastern Atlantic flora and fauna.

Jungle Wisdom

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

I'm Paddy Le Flufy and I'm a cultural explorer. I'm currently in the Peruvian Amazon (Loreto Region), starting an apprenticeship with a wisdom-keeper from the group of tribes known as the People of the Centre. I spent the month of July in his community in the jungle, and will return in late August to stay until the end of March. By day i will be learning-by-doing jungle skills, such as how to hunt, navigate and recognise and use the trees.

By night i will be learning the traditional cultural and spiritual wisdom of the tribes. I also have camera traps, GPS video equipment, which I will demonstrate to the indigenous people and we will use according to their logic and ideas.I am writing a blog - posting the posts from July during August, then what i write on the rest of the trip when I return in March / April. It's www.wordsofwander.wordpress.com.

My trip is supported by the RGS-IBG Neville Shulman Challenge Award and I am also sponsored by Lifesaver Systems and Tom Mustill at Gripping Films.www.paddyleflufy.com


CommunityBelinda KirkComment

After launching their approximate 250km paddleboard event (SUP4Life) at the recent Keloha Festival in Kelowna, Stand Up Paddlers, Mark Jennings-Bates and Peter Dodenhoff are busy preparing for their attempt that commences on the weekend of September 1st 2013 from the Delta Grand Waterfront Resort and Conference Centre.

South pole race 2013

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

A team off three servicemen from the RAF Regiment will face some of the worlds most extreme weather conditions and will endure months of gruelling physical and mental training, in order to prepare for one of the worlds most challenging races.