Explorers Connect

Team Acer's Great Pacific Race 2014

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hello Explorers!

In the last two weeks another team has entered New Ocean Waves Great Pacific Race 2014. That team is Team Acer. Named in memory if Acer Nethercott the Olympic cox who passed away after a battle with an aggressive brain tumour. Team Acer are a four person crew, and the only crew so far in the race that is mixed. The crew mates are: Steve Atterbury: 26, Adventurer and personal trainer Kath Middleton: 25, Doctor, Welsh and only female Mike Taylor: 26, Scotsman, ex-and-soon-to-be-rower Joe Poole: 29' Ex-Navy, commando trained, boat Granddad In June 2014 we will give it our all for 30-55 days rowing 2100+ nautical miles from California to Hawaii, we will work for 24 hours a day in 2 shifts of two hours on and two hours off. It's an unsupported race so all of our food will be carried with us throughout.

Only water will come from outside of the boat, the Pacific Ocean itself! We've decided that've want to raise money for two charities. 1. The Brain Tumour Charity 2. Help for Heroes.

We would love everybody to support us and the other crew of which there are 19! You can follow Team Acer on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @Team_Acer we also have a website which is www.teamaceroceanrow.com.