Explorers Connect

Atlantic Ocean Row

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

To anyone from Norfolk that has considered taking on the Trans-Atlantic Rowing race, I have been brooding on this for longer than I should admit and it will not go away. Truth is I've been waiting for the right time.In 4 years time I will be 53, so it had better be now. If you are interested and looking for someone else who wants to take on this life defining challenge, please do get in touch.Given that the next race starts in December 2015, four years time might be that little bit distant for you. However, I had rather embark on an expedition of this magnitude slowly and get it right, then find ourselves rushed for either time or cash.All the bestJohnI have been pleasantly surprised to receive a couple of responses since posting this entry, so for anyone else who is seriously thinking about such a venture, but is struggling to find anyone else willing to give it a go, please do drop me a line.Here in Norwich we are developing something of a rich history in Atlantic Rowing, with at least three different crews starting out from here. That experience is a resource that I hope to draw on over the next few years as I prepare to launch my own bid.I have indicated to those that wish to know a little more about me to take a look at an earlier blog from 2010 as much to appreciate the hsitory behind my personal desire to take part in this incredible event.
