Explorers Connect

Kate Marsden in Siberia

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Kate Marsden in Siberia Expedition - No Woman Could Possibly Do That!

On Monday 5th August Jacki Hill-Murphy and Rebecca Webb, who met through Explorer's Connect, are leaving to highlight the incredible and virtually unknown contribution that Kate Marsden made to help the lepers in rural Siberia and the 2000 mile sleigh journey she made to get there. Jacki Hill-Murphy MA, FRGS is a teacher, film maker, explorer, speaker who has been recreating the journeys of the early female explorers and has so far accomplished those of: Isabella Godin, the first women down the Amazon in 1769 Mary Kingsley who climbed Mount Cameroon in 1894, Isabela Brookes who died in the Llanganates in Ecuador in 1912, Isabella Bird who crossed the Digar-La Pass in Ladakh on a yak in 1889. 

After Kate Marsden's journey, Jacki will be retracing the journey of Florence Baker in Uganda (1864) and will walk 100+ miles through the Karuma Wildlife Reserve, from Masindi to Bakers Lodge where the Bakers escaped from the battle of Masindi.

Jacki's documentary 'A Bird on a Yak in Ladakh' has just been selected for the LIFF International Film Festival in India. 
