Explorers Connect

Dive Expedition to Ascension Island

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Introducing an exciting marine survey of one of the worlds most remote islands. Ascension Island, an isolated volcanic island in the equatorial waters of the South Atlantic, around 1,600 kilometres from the coast of Africa and 2,250 kilometres from the coast of South America, harbours globally important biodiversity, potentially representing a unique assemblage of western and eastern Atlantic flora and fauna.

We have assembled a dedicated team of 24 local and international ecologists, taxonomists and divers. The logistics of transporting personnel and equipment is currently being developed with British Forces project partners. The basis of the study is an ambitious three week (21 day) expedition to the Islands to survey the waters around the island to 30m depth. Results from the survey will result in faunal and floral species inventories, habitat descriptions and maps, a field guide to marine invertebrates, algae and fish, a report on the status of marine endemics, and a report on the potential impacts of climate change.
