Explorers Connect


Exploring the Yukon

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Tom, Teo I set ourselves the goal of paddling 3000km down the Yukon River last summer. This unguided and unsupported adventure across North America took us 6 weeks and through some of the world's most beautiful and scarcely populated wilderness areas.

Peace Day Pilgrim

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Peace Day Pilgrim is walking 1200 miles through the UK Ireland to raise awareness for Peace One Day's Global Truce 2012. Starting in Derry/Londonderry on 21 June 2012 the walk will take in each of the five capital cities before finishing in London on 21 Sep.

Outer Hebrides Way/ Timeless Way Hike

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

This is a vary rare hike, and we've only found 2 accounts of it ever being done (very strange). Crossing the Outer Hebrides The longitudinal nature of this island chain make it a great challenge to cross on foot, yet its astonishing that no official long distance footpath exists. Whilst plenty of short Km paths around these islands exist most visitors concentrate themselves in focal areas. Very few set themselves the feat taking in the whole chain. Stunning scenery and loads of wildlife awaits those who try bridging these islands.

The few small settlements will provide an insight in to a unique way of life here which has frontier feel about it. The expected hike will start at one of the main southern settlements of Barra and end at administrative capital of Stornoway some 140 miles later. A trip to St Kilda on the extremities of the UK, and whose population was evacuated in the 1930s is also on the cards as part of this challenge. 

The Brazil 9000 Expedition

CommunityBelinda KirkComment


Video Update #4 Black Gold (April 2014)In December 2013, 32 days after paddling out of Santarm, we reached the city of Belm and the end of our canoe voyage through Amaznia. The waters that wed followed for so long now disappeared into the Atlantic. It seems like ages since we set off from the source of the Rio Ma at Cabura, and it kind of has been; 158 expedition days, 3362km and a bunch of hold ups and side-projects on top of that. But thats ok with us, were learning to let this voyage run at its ownpace.This video update lets you see a little bit of our lives on the river, as we travel and build up our stories for an eventual film release. Watch it here.As always a big thanks goes out to all of you for your support and encouragement, our equipment sponsors and enthusiastic donors from all corners of the globe. And to the Amazonian river folk for their kindness, shelter and blackgold.Expect more news soon, now that our good old Ally canoe has been retired and we look south, to the road and the unknown.Until the next time,?Gareth Aaronwww.brazil9000.com****************Update #3 Caboclo Kingdom (March 2013)We are crossing Brazil from north to south on a historical human-powered journey of over 9000km (5500 miles), travelling by foot, paddle and pedal.Our time amongst the Amazonian people, known as 'caboclos', has been magical. This teaser video gives you a glimpse into life on the river and some of the stories we've been gathering. You can watch it here:http://brazil9000.com/caboclo-kingdom-update-3/A very special thank you to our equipment sponsors and all the kind folks whose donations are helping to keep our voyage across Brazil going.For more info please visit:brazil9000.comUntil the next time,Gareth Aaron****************Update #2Found in a Lost World (November 2012)Searching for our start point and the journey down the Rio Ma was one of the toughest phases of the expedition that well face. With so many stories to tell and already a big archive of footage, were releasing these brief video updates whenever we get an internet connection:http://brazil9000.com/found-in-a-lost-world-update-2/...and to get the full story and photos see http://brazil9000.com/diamonds-or-gold/Right now we are in Boa Vista, the state capital of Roraima. Its been good to get some rest, eat a lot and process our photos and video footage. We also need to fix our canoe which took a beating on the rapids on Ma. Manaus lies 800km away down the Rio Branco and Rio Negro, well be checking in there in around a month for another update. Along the way well be tweeting via our Yellowbrick tracking device - follow us @skeetoloungeA big thanks to everybody for all the support and encouragement.****************A record breaking voyage across Brazil by foot, paddle and pedal.Aaron Chervenak Gareth Jones are crossing Brazil from north to south on a historical human-powered journey of over 9000km (5500 miles).Its a journey that has never been attempted, not even with the use of motorized transport.The expedition started September 2012 at the source of the Rio Ma at Monte Cabura in the remote Amazonian region where Brazil borders Venezuela and Guyana. It ends, around 15 months later, at Chu on the border with Uruguay.After travelling through the Amazon basin by canoe, they will hike out across the scorched Caatinga hinterlands and on down thousands of miles of tropical coastline.Through photography and film, Brazil 9000 will present an unprecedented portrait of Brazil and the Brazilians; visiting indigenous territories, deforested ranch lands, industrial ports, deserted beaches, fishing villages, pristine jungle and huge metropolises.The project will reach a global audience, with content in both English and Portuguese, with regular web updates, film and a series of photographic exhibitions to coinicide with the Brazil World Cup (2014) and the Rio Olympics (2016). Ideas for an educational program linking UK/US and Brazilian schools are also being developed.