Explorers Connect

Cycling The 6

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

I am a medical doctor from the UK and set off on in January of 2010 to cycle the length of six of the earth's continents.

The journey is projected to take around five years, during which I will travel through over 60 countries and cover some 80,000 km (50,000 miles) - a distance roughly equivalent to twice the circumference of the earth or over 80 times the length of Great Britain. I am also raising money for the medical charity Merlin. As of May 2012 I have cycled over 32,000 km through 30 countries, despite having had to return briefly to the UK for knee surgery, and have raised 20,000 pounds for Merlin. I'm currently cycling through South America. En route I am observing and investigating some of health concerns facing the developing world. I have visted remote tribal regions in Africa to observe how NGOs are helping communities suffering in a severe drought. I have a professional interest in infectious disease and have also looked at the global approach to tackling some of the world's Neglected Tropical Diseases. In Peru I will be looking at TB control in some of the slum districts around Lima.

 I also write freelance travel features and this blog - http://www.cyclingthe6.blogspot.com