Explorers Connect

Expedition Altiplano 2012

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Expedition Altiplano 2012 is a medical research and mountaineering venture led by the Swansea University Wilderness Medicine Society (SWMS) in collaboration with world renowned high altitude physiologist Professor Damien Bailey of the University of Glamorgan.

It follows a very successful SWMS expedition to Mount Elbrus, Russia in 2008. This latest expedition isled by Naomi Dodds, President of SWMS, and leader of multiple expeditions with Leading Edge Expeditions Ltd. The team compromises of 32 medical students, academics, and doctors. Aim: To carry out research at high altitude and to summit some of the Andes highest peaks. Objectives: To conduct publishable research on the effect of hypoxia at high altitude on the human body. To summit various acclimatisation peaks near Putre and Parinacota. To climb Sajama (6542m), Bolivias highest peak.

For more information please contactExpeditionAltiplano2012@gmail.com.