Explorers Connect


Scotland Coast to Coast

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Having visited some pretty cool places around the world, and having trekked with local guides in various places, we decided that we wanted to do something entirely self-sufficient -- plan our own route, carry our own food, wild camp, and feel as remote from other humans as possible.

Cross Atlantic Rowing Race

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

George Clack and Jess Brooks are planning to enter the Cross Atlantic Rowing Race in 2013. The 2013 Atlantic Ocean Rowing Race will start in the Spanish port of San Sebastian de la Gomera in the Canary Islands and follows whats known as the Columbus route, west-bound across the mid-Atlantic to Port St Charles in Barbados.

The Mississippi Challenge 2013

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

In early 2013 Sam Norman, Matt Fraser and Harry Hogg will start their epic journey from source to sea by kayak.This 2320 mile journey will take over 2 months of non-stop paddling to complete and will be completely self-sufficient. The main purpose of the trip is to raise money for the fantastic charity Help for Heroes.

This monumental distance if an average 40 miles a day, every day, is achieved will last for over two months and see the team paddle a distance that equates to three times the length of Great Britain. We as a team expect to be challenged physically and mentally but are more than willing to take it on in support of a charity that provides help to those that challenge themselves in greater ways.

We hope that this will not only inspire people to help this organisation but also inspire people to explore and enjoy the outdoors.

Staff and volunteer positions available January 2012

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Fancy a spot of excitement to warm you up this winter? We are looking for volunteers and support staff to help support an exciting new event in the UK; The Spine. The Spine is the first organised race encompassing the entire Pennine Way in winter. When: 14-21 January 2012 Where: Edale, Derbyshire, Kirk Yetholm, Scottish Borders Information: www.thespinerace.com What do we need? Volunteers To support the race we need willing volunteers and support staff to help our athletes get from checkpoint to checkpoint.

This may involve helping athletes at checkpoints ensuring that they can continue in good time, helping the logistics team setup and move camps or marshalling/ walking sections of the course. For volunteer positions we can incentivise this somewhat by offering discounts on future participation in the event. Not only that you can gain valuable experience of the conditions and work with a great team. If you wish to gain more experience, fancy an interesting change of pace or would just like to help out please send your CV with the subject ?Volunteer? to: info@thespinerace.com Support Staff We are looking for Mountain Leaders (preferably with the winter qualification) and Walking Group Leaders to add to the current staff and assist with any rescues, walk sections of the course and ensure competitor safety throughout the event. Working closely with the Race Directors you will be involved with and help co-ordinate all aspects of competitor safety. Our aim is to provide the platform which will allow our competitors to complete the course independently and provide a robust safety network. You will also be eligible to receive any exclusive staff discounts from any of our partners. As this is the first event of this kind we cannot pay astronomical wages (you?ll never become the Count of Monte Cristo).

However, if you fancy taking on the challenge and would like to become part of our team for The Spine and our future events, please send your CV to the following email address with the subject ?Support Staff?: info@thespinerace.com Thanks for reading and we look forward to hearing from you!

South Pole by bike

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

For Sport Relief 2012, Blue Peter presenter Helen Skelton is travelling 500 miles across Antarctica to reach the South Pole by ski, by kite and.... by bike. Helen is hoping to reach the pole and set a new world record for the longest-ever bicycle journey on snow.