Explorers Connect

Cross Atlantic Rowing Race

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

George Clack and Jess Brooks are planning to enter the Cross Atlantic Rowing Race in 2013. The 2013 Atlantic Ocean Rowing Race will start in the Spanish port of San Sebastian de la Gomera in the Canary Islands and follows whats known as the Columbus route, west-bound across the mid-Atlantic to Port St Charles in Barbados.

Distance The race is 2,549 nautical miles (2,933 regular miles). When bad weather and adverse conditions are factored in, most teams will row well over 3,000 miles during their Atlantic crossing. Competitors The Atlantic Ocean Rowing Race attracts teams from all over the world and the number of entrants is increasing race by race, for this, the most popular of all the ocean rowing routes. The perfect ocean rower is yet to be found and successful rowers come in all shapes and sizes from Olympic athletes to students, professionals to parents.

The Atlantic Ocean Rowing Race provides ordinary individuals from a wide variety of ages, abilities and backgrounds with the extraordinary opportunity to take on a once in lifetime challenge and push themselves way beyond their mental and physical limits. Its a life changing experience. Rowers must undergo extensive training in sea survival skills, remote first aid and navigation before they can qualify to enter an ocean rowing race. Support The race is unassisted which means that once underway, the rowing boats will not be permitted to take advantage of any outside assistance.

Boats and teams must be self-sufficient and carry with them all of the equipment and food that they will need for their journey. Any assistance such as receiving goods from passing boats would result in disqualification from the race. Accompanying the rowing fleet during the race will be Race Support vessels, whose role it is to keep check on the race teams and provide essential safety back up for any of the boats if required. Timing Races start in early December to coincide with the end of the hurricane season (June to November) and to get the most benefit from the easterly trade winds and Atlantic currents expected at that time of year.

Boats would be expected to start arriving in the Caribbean from the middle of January onwards. 
