Explorers Connect

The Mississippi Challenge 2013

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

In early 2013 Sam Norman, Matt Fraser and Harry Hogg will start their epic journey from source to sea by kayak. This 2320 mile journey will take over 2 months of non-stop paddling to complete and will be completely self-sufficient. The main purpose of the trip is to raise money for the fantastic charity Help for Heroes.

This monumental distance if an average 40 miles a day, every day, is achieved will last for over two months and see the team paddle a distance that equates to three times the length of Great Britain. We as a team expect to be challenged physically and mentally but are more than willing to take it on in support of a charity that provides help to those that challenge themselves in greater ways.

We hope that this will not only inspire people to help this organisation but also inspire people to explore and enjoy the outdoors.
