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Evening of Endeavour at the Royal Geographical Society, London

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

An evening of epic tales and images by adventurers of land, sea and ice. In aid of The Light Dragoons Colonel's Appeal A group of adventurers will share their experiences of extreme endurance over a series of 20-30min talks on 2nd February 2012. Drinks will be available at the RGS bar. Tickets are £25 each. Speakers are: CAPTAIN (retd) ED STAFFORD 860 days walking the amazon Ex Devon and Dorsets officer Ed Stafford has just become the first known man to walk the length of the Amazon river from the source to the sea.

No-one had ever attempted it before and everyone said that it couldn't be done... www.walkingtheamazon.com CAPTAIN GUY DISNEY - A record breaking dash to the North Pole A Captain in the Light Dragoons, Guy lost his leg in battle in Afghanistan. Despite his injury, Guy trekked with 3 other wounded servicemen to the North Pole. Their effort broke records and was covered by a BBC documentary - 'Harry's Arctic Heroes'. www.walkingwiththewounded.org.uk COLONEL EWEN CAMERON - 436 miles on horseback in three and a half days Retired army Colonel, Ewen and a comrade rode on horseback from London to Edinburgh - retracing the journey made in 1603 by the messenger who carried the news to James I that Elizabeth I had died. www.greatnorthride.co.uk CAPTAIN JAMES KAYLL 75 days at sea Another Light Dragoon, Afghanistan veteran James recently rowed the Indian ocean along with 3 crewmates. His 3,500 nautical mile rowing adventure included swimming with a whale and a near-miss with an ocean liner.

Their boat became the first fours boat to ever cross the Indian Ocean unsupported and James is the first person to have rowed and sailed the Indian Ocean. www.indianocean3100.com LUCY RIVERS BULKELEY Desert Racer Lucy (daughter and granddaughter of army officers) became the first European woman to complete the 4 Desert Challenge in one calendar year. It comprised a series of seven-day, 250-kilometer (155 mile) self-supported races across the largest and most forbidding deserts on Earth, with competitors carrying their own equipment, food and clothes (weighing about 20 lbs!!). www.4desertchallenge.com LIEUTENANT GENERAL SIMON MAYALL Pakistan on horseback a senior serving officer who has been at the helm of much of what has gone on in Afghanistan in the past two years, has adventured on horse back in some of the most remote parts of the globe.

His journey through Pakistan's pan handle will be the focus of this talk. CAPTAIN (retd) GEOFFREY STANFORD Lessons from Everest Ex Grenadier Guard Geoffrey has led climbing expeditions to some of the world?s highest mountains, including to the summit of Mount Everest. His most recent expedition was an attempt to climb Lhotse, the technically challenging, fourth highest mountain in the world. www.geoffreystanford.com Thursday, February 2, 2012 at The Royal Geographical Society, London, Kensington Gore, London, United Kingdom.

All details are can be found on the website: www.ldeveningofendeavour.weebly.com