Explorers Connect

Guildford Explorers Drinks & Networking Evening ? Thursday 1st December

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

We are delighted to confirm that James Sawyer has agreed to speak at Guildford Explorers on Thursday 1st December 2011. James has spent fourteen years working in field exploration, conservation and development, and disaster response; managing and leading a wide range of projects and expeditions.

This experience has included over five years experience managing the Negros Rainforest Conservation Project in the Philippines and involved over a year on survey in the forests of Negros. Whilst James has specialised in rainforest and scuba expeditions, his work has taken him to some very remote parts of the world and has included work in over twenty five countries in the developing world. James currently works as Head of Disaster Management for an international charity, is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a Chartered Geographer and a trained mountain leader. In 2009, he led the Negros Interior Biodiversity Expedition (NIBE), the first scientific exploration of the interior of the North Negros Natural Park in the Philippines. Trekking entirely unsupported in highly challenging terrain, this expedition tested physical endurance, equipment and scientific method in equal measure over the three weeks of rapid biodiversity assessment. The expedition found the first scientific evidence in 25 years of the rarest deer in the world being alive in the wild, and received coverage in a range of popular and scientific media.

James will be talking about NIBE 09 - its challenges, lessons learnt, and planning an expedition from scratch; as well as showing the film from the expedition and uncovering plans for NIBE 2012. James will be speaking during the early part of the evening, and this will be followed by ?networking? - aka having a few drinks and chatting/swapping stories with like-minded people.

We hope that you are able to join us from 19.00 on Thursday 1st December. Places at this event are free, but must be pre-booked, and there are a limited number available - first come, first served! email Ash at ukoperations@lifesignsgroup.co.uk