Explorers Connect

Rowing the Atlantic in 2012

Belinda KirkComment

Simon Osborne from Sea Kayaking Cornwall in Falmouth will be taking on a new challenge this Winter. 4 men, three British and a Slovenian, are taking on the Atlantic in the row of their lives to complete the 2,500 nautical mile rowing challenge from Canary Islands to Barbados, starting in January 2012.

Ocean crossings are few and far in between. Indeed more people by far have reached the summit of Mt. Everest and have been into space than have rowed across one of the Earth?s oceans. From 462 recorded port departures, 293 crews have successfully crossed an ocean. The Atlantic Ocean tests the human body to its very limits. Sleep deprivation, salt sores and the physical extremes that the row will inflict merely touches the surface of the issues affecting the crew. We are setting out to achieve our dream and in doing so we are showing others they can achieve theirs. We want to raise money for our chosen charities and in the same time inspire, engage and motivate Slovenian and British people not to let fear or doubt limit their potential. The boat Tusmobil, that we will use for the crossing, has a perfect ocean rowing record.

She crossed the North Atlantic route (New York-Isles of Scilly) in 2006 and the Trade winds route (Canaries-Barbados) in 2008. She is 8.8m long and 1.8m at her widest. The boat is designed to be self righting, meaning that the she can capsize without danger of staying in the upturned position. There are two tiny cabins that we will call home sweet home.
