Explorers Connect


Cycling Alaska to Patagonia

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

I'm currently one year into a bicycle expedition down the Americas, from the top of Alaska to the bottom of Patagonia, seeking out off-road adventures where possible.

It's been an incredible ride so far with plenty adventuring still to come. See what I'm up to at www.theridesouth.com.




CommunityBelinda KirkComment

After several delays false startsthisadventure is finally getting underway! A female led, 4x4, overland expedition from Cape Town to Calcutta (modern day Kolkata) exploring and documenting the economic development of women across the myriad of nations between the two cities.Not only is this an edible journey, it is a unique opportunity for women to engage in open, cross-cultural dialogue regarding the changing societal views towards a woman's position in the work place and the steps that are being taken to affect that change.This is self-funded expedition setting off from Cape Town in early August.

Using an 80 series Toyota Land Cruiser which has been lovingly prepared specifically for the expedition, the plan is to travel up through sub-Saharan Africa to Mombasa before shipping the vehicle over to Mumbai in order to cross India.Message me if you're interested in supporting or collaborating on  the project;here are some ways to get involved: Come along as an additional driver/companion/camera person! Provide connections to any contacts you have on route who would be interested in collaborating, supporting or just joining me for chat and a cup of tea along the way. Tell all your friends, family, colleagues, and lovers to follow the CapeTown2Calcutta - adventure sharing is caring after all.

Walking The Zambezi

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

From July 2016 I will be attempting to walk the Length of the Zambezi river and hoping to complete the expedition within 6 months.It will be a solo hike and I will be relying on help from sources along the river.I will be filming and documenting the whole trip as I go, And volunteering at Wildlife sanctuaries en route and raising money for the David Shepherd Wildlife foundation.From Summer 2016 -Finish If completed I will be the second person in recorded history to have walked the length of the river, And the first person in the world to have walked the entire length of the river if including the Angolian section.


Flying for Freedom - Antarctic Microlight Expedition

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Supported by the Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry through their Endeavor Fund, Flying for Freedom provides microlight flying training and recovery services.Wounded, Injured and Sick (WIS) servicemen and women are taught to fly and are encouraged to train towards becoming Assistant Flying Instructors (AFI). Those who qualify can then take an active role in supporting rehabilitation activities or progress on to careers in the Aviation sector.Flying for Freedom is not set up as a charity (to avoid competing for charitable funds) and maintains a clear focus on providing rehabilitation services.

We are partnered with Help for Heroes, who collect and manage any charitable donations on our behalf.Our expedition to Antarctica will be a fully integrated attempt on the South Pole by Powered Hanglider, including wounded, injured and sick servicemen and women from across the Joint Services.Making Antarctic Aviation History: First to fly a Flexwing Microlight in Antarctica First to fly a Flexwing Microlight to the South Pole First to fly a Flexwing Microlight over Mt. Vinson. An embedded camera team will film all the attempts for a TV Documentary series and income from syndication will be granted to the Help for Heroes Flying for Freedom project. BAME is a very different challenge from all previous expeditions by wounded servicemen and women. Our team is attempting a series of flying challenges and world firsts, that have never been tried or attempted before.

Indiana Land Trust Trek

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Fellow adventurers, I need your help. This December, I set out on the The Indiana Land Trust Trek! This is where I set out to trek across the entirely of the U.S. State of Indiana in an attempt to raise awareness and funds to save Indiana's wild places; only Ill be trekking solo through the freezing Indiana winter.Ill be visiting numerous Indiana Land Trusts along my route, talking to the conservationists working them, and sharing what I learn to others around the world. Land trusts are the most efficient way to preserve wilderness ares and ensure not all land is developed.Please take a moment to donate. Every dollar counts, and will go to permanently preserve land in Southern Indiana! And please share this expedition with your friends! Land conservation is something that everyone benefits from! Follow the expedition at www.WaterfordExplores.comor on Facebook: @MichaelWaterford. Cheers!

Freediving with Whale Sharks

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Ever wanted to freedive with Whale Sharks whilst helping to protect their future?We have teamed up with the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme and will be taking a small group to free dive an underwater paradise and using our freediving skills to collect valuable data on Whale Sharks.

You don't need to be a qualified freediver to come on this trip,our AIDA freedive instructor can help you gain your AIDA 12 star qualification in the first few days. Imagine freediving in a tropical paradise of palm fringed islands, turquoise lagoons, warm clear water and coral reefs teeming with marine flora and fauna, swimming alongside Whale Sharks, manta rays, turtles, dolphins, reef sharks, eagle rays and countless other tropical fish.

For the full details and pictures check out our website...


Traversing Madagascar

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

A North Wales explorer recently crowned the UKs adventurer of the year via the public vote, has exclusively revealed his next world-first challenge.Ash Dykes, from Old Colwyn, will attempt the first solo walk from north to south across Madagascar, scaling the country's five highest peaks on the way.

The 24-year-old, who became the first to walk the breadth of Mongolia solo last year, will try to be the first to complete a solo ascent of Maromokotro, the largest mountain on the island at 2,876m. Apart from the desert, jungle and mountainous terrain he will face on his trek across the worlds fourth largest island,Ash could also come up against some rather unpleasant inhabitants - the local crocodiles.He said: You have got some nasty diseases out there, but the crocs are the big things to look out for.I will be walking by rivers a lot, so I don't want to get trapped between a river and one of those boys.The trek, which will start in September from Cap d'Ambre in the north and go to Cap Sainte Marie in the south, is expected to last four months.

Tropical Trail Rides: Horse Excursions on the Beach

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

I'm spending the summer meeting people from all over the world and taking them riding on the western side of Puerto Rico. The ride stretches 7 miles, lasts 2 hours, hits two beautiful secluded beaches and winds through forests of almond trees and Australian pines. There are 39 horses, all Paso Finos from the island. They come in all color's, shapes, and sizes. Besides the job, Isabela is an incredible area of lively, friendly people, 2$ beers, and loud Latin music.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Research for a novel

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hi Everybody,

I'm currently researching a novel which has a really important scene which takes place on the border of Jordan and Syria, a few miles into the Syrian side. For obvious reasons, I cant get out there to research what the landscape looks like. Is there anybody who knows that area who can describe it to me? On Google Earth it looks a lot greener than I expected.




Bouldering | Rila | Bulgaria

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

The quality of the granite blocs is complemented with the purity and Avatar-like feel of the surrounding flora and fauna. Experiencing Rila once referred as a mini-Yosemite is more than just a regular boulder trip.

The place will purify your mind and refill your vital energy leaving you with perfect focus and unimaginable motivation for your hardest sends.Embraced by the highest mountain on the Balkans you will have plenty of opportunities for additional adventures during your rest days.We know from experience, at the end of the trip it will be hard to leave Rila paradise.

75 days and 75 nights - Amazonas and Venezuela

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

75 days and 75 nights - The plan was to go up the Orinoco from Puerto Ayacucho to Tamatama a small settlement just above where the Casiquaire splits off the Orinoco.

This down-stream bifurcation is very rare on such large rivers, and in-between such vast river basins. Basically 4/5th of the Orinoco continues as the Orinoco on its way to the north Venezuelan coast and empties into the Caribbean.

It is in-fact the largest natural bifurcation in the world. Once you get sucked into the Casiquaire it is a journey of ~330km to the military post of San Carlos de Rio Negro with just forest and a few indians in between. From San Carlos it is a further 1750 miles to the mouth of the Amazon. We had four weeks with Richard to paddle the Casiquaire and drop him somewhere where he has a chance of getting out - then me and Eric were planning to head up a tributary and try and get to, or as close as we could to Cerro Avispa, a little explored upland area of Amazonas.

Cerro Avispa and Cerro Aracamuni form a grouping of mountains more precisely known as the NeblinaAracamuni Massif. Between the Casiquaire and the mountains is 8,600 sq miles of pristine forest with very few people. We would first branch off up the Rio Pasimoni, then the Rio Yatua, and then explore an un-named river until we were stopped by either white water or ran out of food (or both).We paddled 987km reaching the foot of Cerro Avispa.

The story to be told in a separate blog for those interested - http://jonathanbarnaby.blogspot.co.uk/

Mergui Expeditions

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Join UsEcoSwiss and MABR have announced the2015/2016 Expeditions throughout the Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar. We are looking for ecovolunteers and ecotouriststo join us on amazing expeditions to these forgotten islands. We operate aboard our 45ft/14m catamaran SeaNOMAD, providing us a perfect platform for conservation, exploration and relaxation.We explore one of the last unknown uncharted island chain left in the world. With over 800 islands in the Mergui Archipelago with a majority uninhabited, this unique region needs to be better understood, mapped, and studied.

We preserve this unique region by providing biodiversity research, baseline surveys, and awareness in hopes to one day preserve this whole region either as a UNESCO Site or a Trans-border Marine Protected Area.We are currently running an Indiegogo campaign to raise the needed support for the season. Please support us, join us on an expedition,get some unique gear/perks and up to $300USD off your own personal-chartered EXPEDITION!Support us and thisunique region:http://igg.me/at/MerguiFor more information:www.ecoswiss.orgor email us: info@ecoswiss.org

The Carpathian Traverse 2015

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Lee Harley-Marshall and Robert Proud will attempt to walk the length of the Carpathian Mountains in its entirety including the Little Carpathians also. The expedition will be self funded, in tents without support. We aim to take 4 months to walk approximately 1200 miles through some of Europe's last wilderness. The walk has been self funded though we are raising money for two charities York Teaching Hospital which looked after Roberts parents prior to their passing and Cystic Fibrosis Trust as Lee has a Nephew who suffers from this illness. The expedition will begin on August the 27th with an aim to finish on or around Christmas Day.We are trying to raise as much as we can for these two charities and have a facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/carpathiantraverse

A blog detailing our progress and thoughts -http://carptrav.blogspot.co.uk/and a justgiving page at -https://www.justgiving.com/teams/carpathiantrav2015

If you would like to donate, follow or just spread the word we would appreciate it very much.


Lee and Robert

Cycling Ireland for charity

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hi all,

I am cycling across Ireland for mountain 2 mountain a womens charity on the 15th of May, we are currently a team of 7 university students but may have one or two drop outs in the coming days. We will be leaving Dublin City centre ( mayor square) at 8am on the 15 th and cycling to our night stop in a scout den in athlone. We will be camping then cycling to Galway City centre early the next day. It is a total of 300km approx which is not a hip urge distance but is a fun micro adventure.

We want to raise money so everyone who signs up mush raise minimum 100 for the cycle.All participants must have access to their own bike and safety gear( specific gear requirements will be emailed)All participants must have 15th-17th of May freeAll participants must have 50 in cash on their person incase of emergencyAll participants must have a sleeping bag/appropriate clothes/backpackAll participants must be fit for the cycleAll participants must be okay with possibly jumping into the Atlantic the day we arrive in Galway.All baggage and extra items that will not be needed on the cycle will be brought by train from Dublin to Galway and be there for our arrival. (We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.email me at philipn96@gmail.com or text me 0851990505 please if you are not in the Republic of Ireland email me do not call as it will be mighty expensive.


Pedalling a major river

CommunityBelinda Kirk1 Comment


Hi there,

My name is Fred,41 yrs old, from the Netherlands. I've posted on this site before before but unfortunately to no avail. However, I'm still in need for a expedition companion to accompany me to pedal some 2000+ km down the Amazon river, so I thought Id give it another go. I can almost hear you say...Wait a minute..did you really say pedal down the Amazon river? Pleas elet me explain.... For some years now I've been building high performance (adequately  fast efficient) composite, prop driven pedal powered boats and always wanted to take my boats (and myself) to the ultimate test by pedaling a considerable stretch down the mightiest of rivers. However, apart from the inherent dangers that such an undertaking may present, such as possible unintended wildlife encounters or even getting robbed or wounded, going solo and not being able to share my experiences with someone else is just not my idea of fun. Not to mention the fact that my wife would not be impressed with the idea. I have already done some research and have recently been in contact with a Row the Amazon crew member and was given some useful information and contacts to start with.If pedaling the amazon river sounds like music to your ears and you can free yourself from work and financially sustain yourself for a couple of months, don't hesitate to e-mail me. Possible candidates could perhaps combine this trip doing profession related research or work as eg.:a photographer, biologist, herpetologist or ornithologist. Expedition dates and plans are open for change,input and discussion, however the year 2015 is my target. As for me the success of this expedition will not depend on being the first or by making it from place A to place B in a pre-defined time, but rather be measured by the amount of fun, impressions and good laughs to be had along the way. Making it all the way from the intended beginning to the intended end and be the first to have done so would be a mere bonus.

Please get in touch via the comments below.

Looking for advice on getting into the Expedition industry

Funding, CommunityBelinda KirkComment


Good morning everybody!

My names William, 21 years of age and a bit of young gun but dying to get into the expedition scene and I'm currently backpacking Cambodia. I'll be here for another week to pick up my visa for Vietnam so I can spend a month motorbiking through the country. Anyways, I have till august to decide if I want to attend university this fall which I will if I'm unable to work something out in the mean time. I'm quite bored of the backpacking life style. I could care less about sitting on beaches, night life and tourist attractions. I almost feel like there's something wrong with me. People dream of backpacking the world and so did I. I worked for two years to be able to do this. But I'm already bored of it.

Sure I could spend money on pre-packaged excursions but I think they are ridiculous and not that exciting. Those tours are designed for nothing to go wrong and I hate that.I grew up in Utah, surrounded by sports and the out doors. For me every weekend was an injury. I've dabbled in Boxing, MMA, Football, snowboarding, wakeboarding, longboarding, skateboarding, dirt bikes, four wheelers, street bikes,mountain biking, rock climbing, cliff jumping, kayaking, rafting,repelling, raced through the sand dunes, I even used to climb up the mountain I lived on in a T shirt and shorts and tennis shoes just to see how far i could make it when you'd still be sinking up to your waist in snow. I'm recently PADI certified, CPR and CERT certified but could probably use a refresher.I used to run 16 miles a day when i didn't have a carto see my girlfriend, rain or snow. And have a reputation of pushing myself to do things most sane people wouldn't do. Getting the shit beat out of me, literally puts a smile on my face.The more uncomfortable the situation, the more comfortable I am.

I love being knee deep in a shit situation that freaks other people out. Its not so much that I'm an adrenaline junkie either, because I don't feel like I am. I just enjoy pushing myself and understand the cause and effects of situations.I have big aspirations for my life like most and i don't want to waste my time. I'm putting this out there as a call for help, I've looked and asked around for about a year now. I've realised the backpacking lifestyle isn't for me. I need something a bit more rough. Something that involves brother hood. I want to be put in situations where each others survival lies completely in one another hands and all we have is each others trust in the middle of god damn nowhere.I don't have a lot of money, but I don't need much. I'm currently down to a single T shirt and have been showering in my clothes for the last month to keep them clean.If there's anyone out there, I'll work and earn my keep in the remotest places on the planet. Scorching sun to killer blizzards I'm your man. I might not be as experience as others my age, but I love to learn and I'll put everything I have into making sure the teams taken care of.

Cheers, from Cambia-William
