Explorers Connect

Pedalling a major river

CommunityBelinda Kirk1 Comment


Hi there,

My name is Fred,41 yrs old, from the Netherlands. I've posted on this site before before but unfortunately to no avail. However, I'm still in need for a expedition companion to accompany me to pedal some 2000+ km down the Amazon river, so I thought Id give it another go. I can almost hear you say...Wait a minute..did you really say pedal down the Amazon river? Pleas elet me explain.... For some years now I've been building high performance (adequately  fast efficient) composite, prop driven pedal powered boats and always wanted to take my boats (and myself) to the ultimate test by pedaling a considerable stretch down the mightiest of rivers. However, apart from the inherent dangers that such an undertaking may present, such as possible unintended wildlife encounters or even getting robbed or wounded, going solo and not being able to share my experiences with someone else is just not my idea of fun. Not to mention the fact that my wife would not be impressed with the idea. I have already done some research and have recently been in contact with a Row the Amazon crew member and was given some useful information and contacts to start with.If pedaling the amazon river sounds like music to your ears and you can free yourself from work and financially sustain yourself for a couple of months, don't hesitate to e-mail me. Possible candidates could perhaps combine this trip doing profession related research or work as eg.:a photographer, biologist, herpetologist or ornithologist. Expedition dates and plans are open for change,input and discussion, however the year 2015 is my target. As for me the success of this expedition will not depend on being the first or by making it from place A to place B in a pre-defined time, but rather be measured by the amount of fun, impressions and good laughs to be had along the way. Making it all the way from the intended beginning to the intended end and be the first to have done so would be a mere bonus.

Please get in touch via the comments below.