Explorers Connect

The Carpathian Traverse 2015

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Lee Harley-Marshall and Robert Proud will attempt to walk the length of the Carpathian Mountains in its entirety including the Little Carpathians also. The expedition will be self funded, in tents without support. We aim to take 4 months to walk approximately 1200 miles through some of Europe's last wilderness. The walk has been self funded though we are raising money for two charities York Teaching Hospital which looked after Roberts parents prior to their passing and Cystic Fibrosis Trust as Lee has a Nephew who suffers from this illness. The expedition will begin on August the 27th with an aim to finish on or around Christmas Day.We are trying to raise as much as we can for these two charities and have a facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/carpathiantraverse

A blog detailing our progress and thoughts -http://carptrav.blogspot.co.uk/and a justgiving page at -https://www.justgiving.com/teams/carpathiantrav2015

If you would like to donate, follow or just spread the word we would appreciate it very much.


Lee and Robert