Explorers Connect

Toubkal Trekking Morocco

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Mt Toubkal Trekking Tour 4167m.

The Toubkal Trekking Tour is the Famous Classical trek around Toubkal Mountains. This trek is mainly done in one full week but we manage it in only 6 days including Marrakech picks up. DAY 1: after a 64 km transport; we then arrive to Imlil and meet our local team; Guide, Cook and mule men. After a shared welcoming Mint Tea; we upload our luggage and stuff on the mule back then follow Your Guide traces up to Tamatert Pass 2260m. Nice view through the Summits Oukaimeden 3200m, Angour 3650m, Bouyguenoune 3700m.Camp in front of Tachdirt old village 2300m.- Timing: 5hoursPositive Elevation: 600m Negative Elevation: 0m DAY 2 :we will have an earlier breakfast to start a nice three hours walk up to Tizi Likemt 3550m. The ascent is not so steep but longer. Its why we prefer to start in the shade climate. Night in Azib Likemt. Its a summer place where most of the cheap and goats owners are spending holidays with their animals.- Timing: 6 hours Positive Elevation: 1250m Negative Elevation: 950m DAY 3 :we set for a walk by the Tinzar valley up to Tizi NOurai 3200 m which offer you a nice landscape through a large space on the Tifnoute Valley . Then zigzagging descent to the Amsouzart Center.

Night in the guest House. Visit of the villages around in the afternoon.- Timing: 6hoursPositive Elevation: 500mNegative Elevation: 1500mDAY4:the shortest one on this trek., We will only walk in the morning and keep the afternoon to relax near the Ifni Lake, A very nice lake hidden between two mountain ranges. Camp near the Lake .- Timing: 6 hours Positive Elevation: 1250m Negative Elevation: 950m DAY 5: we have a nice walking challenge up to the Toubkal Peak which is 4167m High. Its really an amazing ascent which will need a well prepared person especially on what is related to psychic side.

A deep zigzagging ascent is ahead until we get to the top.Afterwards, we join Toubkal base camp. Possibility of taking hot shower in the Refuge.- Timing: 6hours Positive Elevation: 1250m Negative Elevation: 950m DAY 6:The trek is taking us down the Imlil Valley by the shrine of Sidi Chamharouch; a spirit immortal person who's the tomb is under the Black big Rock in front of the Chamharouch Center . After just some kilometres, Imlil villages will welcome you again for a lunch meal before we pick you up back to MarrakechDAY7:TRANSPORT TO THE AIRPORT