Explorers Connect

A one way ticket changed my life…

Belinda Kirk

In 2013 life wasn’t going quite as I had planned. I was back living with my parents at 28yrs and I wasn’t really happy with the work that I was doing. I had been toying with the idea of an adventure for years, but I found that I had slipped into a mindset of ‘work 9-5, play at the weekend’. Something didn’t feel right.
On the train to Glastonbury Festival I got a notification from my bank that I had been paid £500 - it was holiday payout from a job I had just left, it was also just about enough for a one way ticket to Australia. Impulse struck and a flight was booked. In December that year I would embark on my biggest adventure to date,

Living a life of Travel #befree

With that flight my life changed. I spent a few months travelling around the East Coast of Australia. In my first couple of days I bought a camper van, I loved the sense of freedom this gave me. I could go anywhere, see anything and meet anyone. #befree was born, although I didn’t quite know it yet.

After a couple of months I got in touch with a friend of mine who lived in Brisbane. We decided to meet up and hang out for a bit…that turned into a month! We had such a blast together, he helped create some of my fondest ‘early Australia’ memories.

During this time I was progressing as a SCUBA Diver. My cousin (who I had previously reached out to) invited me to Townsville where I could work for him and take up some professional Dive training. I jumped at the chance. Unfortunately the relationship with my cousin didn’t last - but my career as a Dive Instructor took off.

“When one man, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself” Jacques-Yves Cousteau

I took up a role as a DiveMaster with www.adrenalindive.com.au and eventually trained as an Instructor. Through this work I was sponsored and obtained my Permanent Australian Residency. 

After a couple of years working for Adrenalin Dive - I moved to the South Gold Coast where I returned to work with Apple as a Tech Advisor. In Dec 2019 I decided to visit home for an extended break, having not really been home for over 4 years! Then bang, Covid hit. I’ve been in the UK ever since (with the exception of a business trip to the Philippines, Australia and Indonesia in Feb/March 2020).

I now coach others on how to break free from the ‘norm’ and conditioning we know and take up the opportunities they’ve always wanted to experience. Being ‘home’ wherever I am means that I travel the world and document my adventures, while helping others do the same. Right now that’s on hold until travel becomes easier…but where would you like to go, what would you LOVE to do? Maybe I can help, lets talk -

If you’d like to know more contact me here https://greyphotography.slickpic.site/contact