Looking for a film-maker to take part in an epic hike in the Pyrenees.
Looking for support crew to kayak alongside a swim of the River Severn.
Looking for people to film a UK ecology expedition.
Looking for someone to join us from South America to Europe.
Members wanted to join mountaineering team in Georgia and Eastern Europe.
Looking for trekking buddies for UK challenge.
Looking for a support member to film an ambitious world circumnavigation but balloon.
Looking for people to join for a hiking trip with an ecological motive in Sussex.
All expenses paid trip across Pacific with a film crew for new TV show.
Looking for four people to join an expedition 4,200 miles by public transport.
Looking for people to come on north to south UK cycle.
Looking for help for a crossing of the Irish Sea by boat.
Looking for people to climb the highest peak in North Africa with.
Looking for teammates to join a wildlife spotting expedition in remote Bolivia.
Looking for advice on planning a long-distance hike in Africa in 2021.
Looking for teammates to join a jungle trekking adventure.
Looking for people to join an expedition to climb two volcanoes in the Philippines.
Looking for people to join an Everest World-First.
Looking for people to join a hike across a Tanzanian national park.