Explorers Connect

Advice Wanted for Irish Sea Row

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

I want to row across the Irish sea from Anglesey to Dublin. I have no boat yet and not much of an idea of the technicalities. There will be two of us doing it so I have some support. 

  1. I am a complete novice when it comes to adventure and I've never rowed on the open sea nor have I sea kayaked before.
  2. I am looking for support with finding a boat to rent (I'm looking at sea kayaking as well) and
  3. the equipment needed to have a safe crosssing and make sure I stay away from the ferry lanes.
  4. I want advice on what kind of practice I need for such a journey (how many hours kayaking/rowing)
  5. what it takes to work with the instrumentation, e.g. do I need a walkie talkie? GPS? Other equipment?
  6. How much might it all cost me? 
  7. Are there any people out there willing to lend me gear/support for the journey?

This is part of a bigger journey which is my walk is from Manchester, UK to Dingle in Ireland. The sea crossing is part of a 400 mile walk home in memory of my sister who had severe cerebral palsy. I plan to raise £50k through this walk. Here's a 2 minute vid about the walk which will help you understand it a bit better  https://vimeo.com/154663235 . And the website walkforaoife.com

Any support would be gratefully received.
Best wishes, Alan alanthegom@gmail.com