Explorers Connect

Film-maker Wanted for Round the World Hot-Air Balloon Trip

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Phil and Allie Dunnington from Bristol are planning a round-the-world trip in a vintage twin-engine aeroplane with their light-weight hot air balloon inside hoping to ‘bag’ more countries en-route to up Phil’s world record of having already flown in a balloon in 112 countries.

The plan is to fly ‘Betty the Beech’ (as she is a Beech 18) from the UK leaving mid May 2016 via the Faroes, Iceland, Greenland, Canada, US down to the Bahamas and eventually to Cuba where the team is hoping to make the first ever balloon flight in the country’s history.

Never before has such a combination of adventures been possible and it has taken Phil over 20 years to bring this dream to fruition. But we need your help to film it, we're looking for a cameraperson/director to help film the adventure - and in time an editor to help finish the film. If you can help with either of these please get in touch.

Not only will each sector of the journey have a tale to tell of flying an old aeroplane through some of the world's most challenging regions and then, between flights, getting airborne in their two-person Voyager balloon. Many destinations have never seen a balloon before.

“Gone With The Wind” is a Bristol company, owned and run by Phil and Allie Dunnington. They fly Bristol-made Cameron hot air balloons worldwide, on commercial, tourist and film-making flights. Recent work includes a three part BBC wildlife documentary on Burma for the Bristol based BBC natural history unit, ‘The World’s Greatest Balloon Adventures’ on ARTE, and tailor-made expeditions to the world’s remotest corners, ranging from Arctic Canada to Mongolia.

For more information about the “On the Beech” project, Gone with the Wind and Phil & Allie Dunnington please see their website: http://www.gonewiththewind.uk.com/

or call Allie at 07776202731 or Phil at 07785775624