Explorers Connect


Crossing Congo

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

I'm about to have a crack at walking and pack-rafting across northern Congo (Brazzaville). Ill be heading down some very small tributaries of the Congo River to accomplish this, for security purposes I don't want to mention which ones. As far as I know there is'nt much down there other than bush. Apparently there are pygmy tribes-people in the area and a few un-named villages dotted along the map. The maps were made in 1962 so it could have changed quite a lot, but judging by the Google Earth it looks pretty much the same. Iv'e put this post up in case anyone has been to this area of Congo. It is very difficult to find info on the area, even the provincial capital has no online photos bar one grainy image. Please write in the comments if you know the region. Would appreciate it massively.

Many Thanks,

Patrick Hutton

a2a Expedition

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

South African family of four travelling around the world with our Land Rover Defender 130. We have circumnavigated the South American continent and driven through Central America, Mexico and North America to Alaska.

Our next leg of the trip will be shipping to Ireland and driving across to Asia. 

Follow our journey here - www.a2aexpedition.com

Sumidero Canyon & Palenque Ruins

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

The main aim of the project is to promote awareness of the local conservation and of the indigenous communities. As i would love to educate as many young people and adults of the plight of both topics around the world from PNG to the embera people, as well as countless others by crossing the Darien and attempting it alone or with another team mate or 2. The route will mainly consist of past expedition from organisation of good standing and connect with local businesses and people for the logistical and red tape side of things.

For more information - connectaviajeros@gmail.com

Solo 500k salt flat desert walk with my bathtub

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

I'm aiming to be the first man to solo walk around the desert, bur not just across which has already been achieved. I will have Sheila with me. Sheila's not a person, but a 45 kg bathtub! The trip will be some 2/3 months in duration - my bath will be on a 2 wheeled cart. Having already solo sailed down the Amazon river in sheila, then took her to the top of Kilimanjaro on my back a month ago, I am now ready for my 3rd challenge. After this next year I plan to para-glide with sheila 4000 miles following the mighty Amazon river from glacier to sea.

For more information check out the website here - amazonchildren.com

The Darien Gap

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

The main aim of the project is to promote awareness of the local conservation and of the indigenous communities. As I would love to educate as many young people and adults of the plight of both topics around the world from PNG to the embera people, as well as countless others by crossing the Darien and attempting it alone or with another team mate or 2.

The route will mainly consist of past expedition from organisation of good standing and connect with local businesses and people for the logistical and red tape side of things.

For more information contact - danieleggington@hotmail.com


CommunityBelinda KirkComment

George Kefford and Jaxson Samuels are aspiring junior adventurers.They are both 14 years of age and reside in Brisbane, Australia.On the 25th of March, George and Jaxson will be climbing South Queenslands, highest mountain, Mt Superbus.

After they have summited, they will trek 160km+through dense Jungle to the Gold Coast.George and Jaxson will also be undertaking a seperate expedition on the 17th of December this year, where they will be trekking across Stradbroke Island, becoming the first everpeopleto complete this.The Peak2Pacific expedition will also be a first. No one has ever walked from Mt Superbus to the pacific coast. The main dangers on this trek will be the heat, wildlife and harsh terrain.This expedition will be raising money for a further expedition he will go on to Northern India with www.worldchallenge.com.au. where he will be trekking in the Himalayas and assisting local communities. The expedition is expected to take 5 days.

For more information contact - georgekefford1@gmail.com

Killy Climb

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

In October I am embarking on my first adventure. I am 35 years of age, I am married with 2 young children and am a Police Officer so work shifts. As a result of all this I find time to myself to be a pleasure but very hard to come across.So I have put some time aside and I am doing a 12 day trip to Tanzania and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.I felt I wanted to do one of the more remote routes so I am climbing via the Lemoshe route. This is the first adventure I have done since I backpacked in Australia aged 18 so I am very excited about it and open to any advice in the comments below.

JamesVsWorld RTW cycle

CommunityBelinda KirkComment



My name is James, I'm 23 years old, and I am not a cyclist.

Well, I wasn't a cyclist. But on the 20th May this year I left my family and friends behind and set of on a solo and unsupported trip around the world. So why did I, a person with no touring experience, no bike mechanic know-how and not many pennies in the bank decide to do this? Most think it's because I'm crazy, but that remains to be seen. Crazy or not, I've now made my way from London to Istanbul and I'm now racing across Turkey in persist of three other RTW cyclists who are already over 1000km ahead of me.

To catch them I'll have to pass through Georgia, Azerbaijan and a couple of the 'Stans before we meet and tackle the great Karakorum Highway from China to Pakistan. From there I'll be crossing India, South East Asia and America before finally returning to Europe and heading for home. If you're interested in my trip or want some more details before you start placing bets on my chances of succeeding, then please check out www.jamesvsworld.com I'm also raising money as I go for an excellent charity called Hope for Children. These guys work to help abandoned, abused and marginalised young people around the world.

More details and donation info at www.justgiving.com/jamesvsworld

Thanks, and wish me luck :)

Chris Across South America

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hi Explorers community!!

A few months ago I posted a request for people to go on a South American Adventure!!

I wanted to share with you all the results of that trip: https://youtu.be/2RjNdq4a1CQ

Could you please SHARE this video with your friends, family, local tourism board and/or TV station. Anyone who may be interested : )

Thank you so much! Have a wonderful weekend!


Chris ONeill


A Long Walk to School

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

On the 28th July a group of six of us will be walking 250 km from the shores of Lake Kariba in Sinazongwe District to Chief Mukumbis Palace in Livingstone. We will be following the lake shore line through the beautiful Zambezi escarpments and Deca Drum (also know as Tiger Mile) and using ancient cattle trails to navigate the last 6 days to Livingstone.Donkeys will help carry our food and water supplies as vehicle access will be limited. However, we will have two support vehicles meeting us on designated days. We expect to be in Livingstone by 11th August and will be recording our trip with video diaries and photographs.

All proceeds raised from this walk will go towards the UK and Zambian grassroots charity the School Club Zambia.from 28th Jul to 11th Aug 2015


Row the Amazon 2015

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

A group of rowing enthusiasts from Shropshire in the UK have decided to stretch themselves to their limits by embarking on an epic journey of adventure.

In November 2015, the Row the Amazon team will become only the second crew to row the navigable length of the Amazon River, a challenge which will be done completely unsupported and in aid of a range of charities.The five man crew is made up of Simon Furnival, Stuart Manley, Stephen Harpin, Martin Berry and Andy Griffiths. Their aim is to accomplish the row in 30 days or less. Their vessel will be a 28 foot ocean-going rowing boat named the Bishop, which is just big enough to carry all team members. The length of the Amazon, from Nauta in Peru to Macap in Brazil, is a total distance of 2077 miles. This is clearly no mean feat. Further details on the expedition can be viewed here.Making the task even more challenging is the fact that the crew are by no means athletes; for most of them, their first experience of rowing any significant distance was in 2011 when they decided to row across the Irish Sea. Two crossings later, with a host of other coastal and inland rowing races and experiences under their belts, they decided they needed to raise the bar and Row the Amazon was born. Information on individual crew members and their chosen charities can be viewed here.As with most expeditions of this magnitude, the team are seeking sponsorship support with 100% of funds raised going directly to charity.

Further information on the various packages and options available can be obtained online or by contacting admin@amazon-row.com. Sponsors already on-board include Extreme Medics, Expedition Foods and Wenlock Spring.Logistics lead Martin comments: Our efforts will hopefully result in some significant charity fund boosting, as well as raising some further awareness to this most incredible environment which is so critical to the wellbeing of our planet. We hope people will enjoy following our adventure and lend their support.You can follow the crews progress on Twitter by following @AmazonRow2015 and on Facebook by searching for Row the Amazon 2015.Please do get in contact with any advice or words of support!

Peak performers

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

I am organising a group to Trek the Machame Route of Kilimanjaro over 7 days to the Summit. I have sourced recommended Guides and Porters in Tanzania who are Professional, Qualified and Experienced and also a member of the Kilimanjaro Porters Association to ensure good working ethics for the porters.Looking for more people to join our group in January 2016.

The price includes: 3 Nights Hotel Accommodation (including Breakfast) Airport Transfers All Park Entrance Fees All Rescue Fees Guides, Assistant Guides, Porters and Cook 4-Season Tent 3 Nutritious Plentiful Meals a day on the Trek Drinking Water.

For more information, contact info@travel-addicts.co.uk


CommunityBelinda KirkComment

The North and South poles are the last truly unspoilt regions of our planet. It is literally nowhere. We, Arnaud de Wilde and Wim De Backer, are planning an expedition to Antarctica! Not just any expedition, but a serious Sea to Summit challenge. A gruelling journey that will lead us from the frigid Antarctic sea through mountains and glaciers and endless ice fields, to the summit of the highest mountain on the continent: Mount Vinson.

A four thousand eight hundred ninety-two meter high mountain of snow and ice. An unknown route, never travelled before by anyone! Expedition proARCTICA is scheduled from November 2016 to January 2017. Check www.proarctica.eu

The Coldest Crossing

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

To become the first people to cross Iceland from North to South unsupported in Winter.In the Winter of 2015/2016, we shall be attempting to cross the Polar region whilst relying solely on the equipment and food we have carried and hauled with us since the start of the expedition. To further add to our load we hope to document the entire expedition through film, writing and live blog updates.

This expedition is different to most, if not all other Arctic expeditions because after we have progressed through the relatively flat Pole-like Icelandic Interior, we shall then cross a so-far-uncrossed route over the Southern Icelandic mountain ranges, including the world famous Eyjafalljokull Volcano.The sun will not rise fully throughout the expedition.