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JamesVsWorld RTW cycle

CommunityBelinda KirkComment



My name is James, I'm 23 years old, and I am not a cyclist.

Well, I wasn't a cyclist. But on the 20th May this year I left my family and friends behind and set of on a solo and unsupported trip around the world. So why did I, a person with no touring experience, no bike mechanic know-how and not many pennies in the bank decide to do this? Most think it's because I'm crazy, but that remains to be seen. Crazy or not, I've now made my way from London to Istanbul and I'm now racing across Turkey in persist of three other RTW cyclists who are already over 1000km ahead of me.

To catch them I'll have to pass through Georgia, Azerbaijan and a couple of the 'Stans before we meet and tackle the great Karakorum Highway from China to Pakistan. From there I'll be crossing India, South East Asia and America before finally returning to Europe and heading for home. If you're interested in my trip or want some more details before you start placing bets on my chances of succeeding, then please check out www.jamesvsworld.com I'm also raising money as I go for an excellent charity called Hope for Children. These guys work to help abandoned, abused and marginalised young people around the world.

More details and donation info at www.justgiving.com/jamesvsworld

Thanks, and wish me luck :)