Explorers Connect

Row the Amazon 2015

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

A group of rowing enthusiasts from Shropshire in the UK have decided to stretch themselves to their limits by embarking on an epic journey of adventure.

In November 2015, the Row the Amazon team will become only the second crew to row the navigable length of the Amazon River, a challenge which will be done completely unsupported and in aid of a range of charities.The five man crew is made up of Simon Furnival, Stuart Manley, Stephen Harpin, Martin Berry and Andy Griffiths. Their aim is to accomplish the row in 30 days or less. Their vessel will be a 28 foot ocean-going rowing boat named the Bishop, which is just big enough to carry all team members. The length of the Amazon, from Nauta in Peru to Macap in Brazil, is a total distance of 2077 miles. This is clearly no mean feat. Further details on the expedition can be viewed here.Making the task even more challenging is the fact that the crew are by no means athletes; for most of them, their first experience of rowing any significant distance was in 2011 when they decided to row across the Irish Sea. Two crossings later, with a host of other coastal and inland rowing races and experiences under their belts, they decided they needed to raise the bar and Row the Amazon was born. Information on individual crew members and their chosen charities can be viewed here.As with most expeditions of this magnitude, the team are seeking sponsorship support with 100% of funds raised going directly to charity.

Further information on the various packages and options available can be obtained online or by contacting admin@amazon-row.com. Sponsors already on-board include Extreme Medics, Expedition Foods and Wenlock Spring.Logistics lead Martin comments: Our efforts will hopefully result in some significant charity fund boosting, as well as raising some further awareness to this most incredible environment which is so critical to the wellbeing of our planet. We hope people will enjoy following our adventure and lend their support.You can follow the crews progress on Twitter by following @AmazonRow2015 and on Facebook by searching for Row the Amazon 2015.Please do get in contact with any advice or words of support!