Explorers Connect

A Long Walk to School

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

On the 28th July a group of six of us will be walking 250 km from the shores of Lake Kariba in Sinazongwe District to Chief Mukumbis Palace in Livingstone. We will be following the lake shore line through the beautiful Zambezi escarpments and Deca Drum (also know as Tiger Mile) and using ancient cattle trails to navigate the last 6 days to Livingstone.Donkeys will help carry our food and water supplies as vehicle access will be limited. However, we will have two support vehicles meeting us on designated days. We expect to be in Livingstone by 11th August and will be recording our trip with video diaries and photographs.

All proceeds raised from this walk will go towards the UK and Zambian grassroots charity the School Club Zambia.from 28th Jul to 11th Aug 2015
