Hi I’m Paul. I’m sailing this summer and wondered if anyone wants to join me? I had a great response from Explorers Connect last year and found some fantastic crew, so I’m hoping we might be able to do the same this year!
If you are keen on sailing and interested in joining me for a couple of weeks this summer (COVID restrictions permitting!) on my Fisher 37 sailing boat, check out the provisional trip details below:
CRUISE 1 - EASTBOURNE -> NETHERLANDS -> EASTBOURNE - 15 DAYS (14/05/22 - 28/05/22)
Trip starts in Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne. Visits Dover, Oostende, Flushing, Middleburg, Zierikee, Breskens, Dunkerque, Dover, Trip ends in Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne.
CRUISE 2 - EASTBOURNE -> JERSEY - 15 DAYS (25/06/22 - 09/07/22)
Trip starts in Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne. Visits Brighton, Portsmouth, Alderney, Guersney, Sark, Trip ends in St. Helier, Jersey
CRUISE 3 - JERSEY -> EASTBOURNE - 18 DAYS (15/07/22 - 01/08/22)
Trip starts in St Helier, Jersey. Visits Guernsey, Sark, Alderney, Cherbourg, St Vaast, Ouitsreham, Dieppe. Trip ends in Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne
There are three spaces available on each leg. All safety equipment is provided including life jackets and a full safety briefing before we sail. You will only need a passport, travel insurance, a sleeping bag and a small soft bag for personal items including deck shoes and some light wet weather clothes.
It is expected that we will share costs between the crew - fuel, food, mooring / harbour fees etc. This is usually no more than £200 per week. I (Paul) am an experienced Ocean Yachtmaster and RNLI crew member. I have been sailing for 50 years and would like to give the opportunity to try sailing or gain more experience to those who might not have access to their own boat.
If you would like to join the crew for a cruise please contact us, in the first instance via email to check available berths - sarah.huntley@hotmail.com
Previous experience is not necessary but always welcomed!
Details on the boat as well as previous trips and photos are here - https://www.facebook.com/spiritofworcester