Explorers Connect

Looking for team mates for a Canadian Canoe Adventure: Summer 2022

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

Update April 2022 - The team has lost a member at the last minute. Can you join them?

We are a five-person team from the UK who have spent the last 18 months planning a canoe expedition through the wilderness of the Yukon – Whitehorse, CA to Fairbanks, US.

Together for 10 weeks, we plan to paddle 1,500km unsupported along the Hart, Peel, Rat, Bell, Porcupine and Yukon rivers. Notable challenges will be a scramble 140km upstream along the Rat to cross over into the Yukon basin and a 10km portage through thick bush around the impassable Aberdeen canyon. Travelling through one of the most pristine wildernesses in existence, we will be completely unsupported aside from two re-supply stops at the small towns of Fort Macpherson and Fort Yukon. The wildlife, landscapes, survival and comradery will make this the trip of a lifetime. We will follow in the footsteps of the Paddle for the North team of 2014 whose film lends an excellent insight into what the trip will likely entail.

Sadly, due to illness, we have just lost our sixth team member. With just 10 weeks to go until we need to arrive in Whitehorse we are seeking someone to fill that seat in one of the Unpeeled canoes ASAP. If this sounds like the trip you’ve been dreaming of whilst cooped up for the last two years then we want to hear from you!

Due to the stage of planning and logistics we are at and the training the current team have put in over the last 18 months, we have some specific requirements: It is not necessary to have formal paddling qualifications; however you must be a competent canoeist with good experience paddling on rivers and open water. You must have expedition experience in remote/wilderness locations You must be able to enter Canada and the US, and be available to be in Whitehorse, Canada by the 27th June, and be able to return from Fairbanks, US after the 5 th September.

You must be able to self-fund the trip. Currently this means being able to contribute £2,000 to the group funds (which contributes to canoes already purchased in Canada and group travel costs) on top of your own flights and personal kit. Food, insurance and in-country consumables will come on top at a later date. If you are resident outside of the UK you must be provide your own insurance. Due to current plans for rationing, weight and space you must be a non-smoker (or willing to not smoke) and be willing to eat meat.

If it sounds like you fit the bill, please send a CV and short statement of why you think this trip is for you to reshort86@gmail.com. Please see below for additional info on the trip, as well as our social media and website, but if you have other questions don’t hesitate to get in touch.

The deadline for applications is Saturday 30th April and you will need to be available for a zoom interview on the 4 th May after 18.30 BST.



The aim of the trip is to paddle by canoe the 1500km (900+ miles) of 6 rivers; the Hart, Peel, Rat, Bell, Porcupine and the Yukon following the route of Paddle for the North (http://paddleforthenorth.org/how-far ). Travelling through the Peel and Yukon watersheds.

The Peel is one of the best examples of natural ecosystems not yet affected by major disturbances in the world. Major hurdles include 7-8km portage of the Aberdeen Canyon on the Peel River and the 140km upriver paddle along the Rat River to reach the continental divide between the Peel Watershed and the Yukon Watershed. 

A most amazing journey, catch wild salmon, watch wildlife in the land of the midnight sun, the biggest canoe challenge around, take some treks in the unspoilt Peel River catchment, following in the footsteps of native Americans and voyagers. Visiting one of the last intact mountain boreal ecosystems in the world, home to moose, grizzly bears, Dall sheep, caribou and wolves. We hope to see most of these species.

July - early Sept 2022 - 8-9 weeks.

Who you we looking to join?

Looking for adventurers. Some canoe experience would be an advantage, but the trip is generally non-technical in nature and canoeing skills can be gained on canoe training trips in Scotland planned for 2021. What you will need is some resilience to be part of a team in a truly remote situation and have lots of stamina and energy.

We expect all team members to support the trip development.

This is a non-commercial adventure. All costs will be shared between the team


Cory Jones. – 07787 526299 – coryjones100@yahoo.co.uk 
