Explorers Connect

My Group Wild Night Out

Wild Night OutBelinda Kirk
wild night out

by Donna Rourke

I celebrated Wild Night Out atop Adam’s Grave - a very spiritual and peaceful place high up in the Pewsey Vale with views that take your breath away. I am incredibly lucky to be able to walk there from my house and to have met a lovely bunch of adventurous people over the last couple of years to share these experiences with.

My compatriots for the evening were Nick, who I met through Explorers Connect, Tim and Steve, who I met through the West Berkshire Microadventures group, and Mark, who is a friend of Tim’s. I was the only girl as the two others who were meant to join us couldn’t make it, but I was made an honorary member of ‘boys on tour! I think I may have caused a bit of scandal in the village by walking up the hill with four boys and a bottle of Prosecco though...

After a pub supper, we walked for an hour to get to the summit just as the sun was going down - it was so atmospheric that we were all a bit quiet as we took it in. Tim is a great astral photographer so, once we’d acclimatised, we had an impromptu lesson on planets, stars, moons, and taking photos of all three, which was fascinating.

After that, it was time for a toast to adventuring and shared experiences, a bit more chatting, and then a night snuggled into one of the fort trenches with the breeze gently blowing over us as we slept.

wild night out

The morning sunrise didn’t disappoint and sitting with a coffee and a 360 degree view of the gorgeous Wiltshire countryside and it’s wildlife waking up was indescribable and we all had the hugest smiles on our faces. The peace didn’t last long though as once I mentioned that I had the supplies for bacon sandwiches back at the house, the boys had me packed up and marched back there in record time!

Adventuring for me is not about doing a huge round the world, feat of endurance, trip - it’s about fitting it into life in small ways. It’s about spending time with inspirational people, taking a break from a stressful work life, getting back to basics, learning to be a kid again, and most of all, about finding fulfilment. If my photos can inspire others to get out and see what a little bit of adventure can mean for them, then I’ll be very happy! #justdoit #explore #getoutside #adventurerevolution #WildNightOut2019

wild night out


There are so many ways you can go wild at night. Anyone and everyone can take this opportunity to make some amazing memories to treasure forever. To get your imagination going, we’ve gathered together some ideas, stories, and how-to guides to help you design the very best Wild Night Out for you.

Everyone needs a Wild Night Out!