Explorers Connect

Guinness world record scuba dive cold water

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Guinness World Record attempt for the Longest Cold Water Open Sea Dive. The World Record Diving Malta team will be taking on the challenge of a 15 hour dive in cold water at a minimum depth of 11 meters and a temperature of no more than 15c, in order to better our previously accomplished record of 12 hours and 36 minutes.

The event will take place on the weekend of the 9th March 10th March 2013 at Starfish Diving School, St Georges Bay, Malta. Leading diver Sean McGahern will enter the water on the 9th of March at 20.55pm and begin descent stroke 20.00hrs. Sean will be accompanied by a team of safety divers varying from recreational and tech-trained. During this time the safety team will be supplying Sean with the necessary amount of cylinders, food drinks as well as looking out for his safety and well-being. , on the day of the dive unless other arrangements have been made everyone will need to be on site approx. 9am hope fully weather will be perfect, we will set up banners both for on land and for underwater, as well as setting up base camp, ok base camp we will have surface marker in place as from lunch time with life line to land with strobes attached to make it easier and safer for divers to get to and fro dive site, 1 hour before dive around 8pm will need 2 divers to enter the water with full cylinders to be placed in advance and then every diver then brings down 2 cylinders with them so that come 5/6 am we will have enough cylinders on the sea floor so all we have to do is bring them up.

Remember everyone, the water is colder than last year and I think the coldest its been in Malta for some time, the sea is 13.c so stay warm ,I am not going to preach or tell you what to do but if not diving or you getting ready remember were most of the body heat is lost the head so make sure you all have hats, if your cold before you get in you will not last the dive remember what you're here for!!! The dive will be at 11 meters but will dip to max 15 meters but no less than 11 meters for at least 15 hours, once that has been reached I will start moving up to 10 meters and change onto 50% and remain there for a further 5 min once I move from 10 meters I will be on 100% nitrox and will ascend no faster than 1 meter per min plus on top my safety stops, looking at surfacing around 13.00hrs, Scuba Diving St Georges Bay from 9th Mar to 10th Mar 2013.