Explorers Connect

The Grande Traverse: Cross the Andes on Horseback. Experienced riders only

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A trail ride which starts in Argentina and crosses the Andes, ending in the Chilean Lake District. The route of this Andean adventure includes exciting river crossings where the riders travel by boat and the horses swim plus riding across high mountain passes with panoramic views. The route of this Andean adventure starts near the popular ski town of Bariloche in Argentina journeying south and west to finish at Puerto Varas in Chile. During the first half of the ride to the Chilean border you ford rivers and climb high mountain passes with panoramic views as you ascend ever higher into the Andes. Early settlers came to this area to find gold; others to establish estancias and you get a feeling for how tough their life must have been. Leaving behind the Argentine Criollo horses, the border crossing into Chile is by boat across the vivid blue Lago Puelo. Meeting fresh horses on the Chilean side, the landscape becomes much greener and the forests more dense. There are some exciting river crossings where the riders travel by boat and the horses swim. The ride continues for six days in Chile as far as Tagua Tagua Lake, famous for its floating islands of vegetation. Accommodation on the Argentinian side is a combination of camping and guest houses while in Chile you stay in farmhouses that take in guests as well as on the remote island of Las Bandurrias. In The Saddlewas founded on a passion for horse riding and travel. Our consultants are all horse people who combine equine knowledge with a wealth of travel experience. Each person specialises in just a few destinations so they can give you the in depth, up to date information that enables you to choose the ride that matches your budget and riding experience.
