Explorers Connect

Orleans to Odesssa Cycle

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Update: I'm planning to cycle from Orleans to Odessa. Teammates are welcome for either the whole or a section of the trip. It will be a trip of about 1500 miles, passing through 10 European countries. An approximate route is available on the facebook page below. It will be taxing as there will be plenty of hills and even mountains on the way, but the scenery will be spectacular. The plan is to camp (official and stealth), hostel and couchsurf my way across Europe and fly back from Odessa to London. I'm not a mad dash cyclist, but can do about 70 miles a day, for this the daily should be approximately 65 miles a day. Get in touch, if interested in coming along. https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Paradise-Cycle/478850302162424 For those interested in an adventurous summer read, please to check out my link to my new ebook, where you can download a FREE sample of the book.http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00DFW40CE?ie=UTF8force-full-site=1ref_=aw_bottom_links
