Explorers Connect

A search for tigers

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

We will be undergoing a 3 week-long expedition in Vietnam. The aim of the September 2013 expedition will be to find the elusive Indo-chinese tiger. Many say that these majestic cats number as few as 10 in the wild. According to locals in the region, the cats are still there, although hard to find. We will enter the deep central highland jungle and look for tigers. Local guides and experts will help us. The expedition will also be filmed as a documentary.

If you are interested in being a part of this expedition or are interested in helping us reach our fundraising target, please visit http://www.awf-expeditionsociety.org/vietnam.html.Additionaly you can email meat daz_1988@hotmail.com so we can have a chat about theexpedition and talk through fundraisingoptions. Sponsors are also extremely welcome! The proceeds will go to two important initatives through which the AWF are associated. Autism adventures and victims of agent orange.