Explorers Connect

Ray Zahab announces new expedition

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Ultra marathoner and extreme endurance athlete Ray Zahab has announced his next expedition. In August he will attempt a 300km off-road run through Death Valley.

He will be joining his friend Will Laughlin in Death Valley for what he calls on his website ""an interesting training run!"" It is designed to help his preparation for the upcoming January 2012 proposed 2000km run across Saudi Arabia. In early 2011, Ray ran across the ""driest desert on Earth"", the Atacama Desert in Chile. He ran 1200 kms in 20 days- with minimal daily re-supply and with his camping gear on his back.

Thousands of students joined the journey via live web and video conferencing. He founded and still volunteers for the non-profit impossible2Possible, which aims to encourage youth to reach beyond their perceived limits, and to use adventure as a medium to educate, inspire and empower. More info on the Death Valley run soon via his website.