Explorers Connect

Running the Silk Road Reaches China

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Expedition Leader, Andrew Strachan reports that world-class runners, Kevin Lin Yi Chieh and Bai Bin have reached China having been running for 95 days covering almost 6,000km, since leaving Istanbul in April.

They are running to raise awareness of water shortages and environmental issues in the Silk Road region. They have run almost 70km per day through Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. They aim to finish in Xian on September 16th when global superstar, Jay Chou will be among those welcoming them home, after their historic journey, Running the Silk Road. The two ultra-runners face more gruelling challenges in China, running through heat and sand in the provinces of Xinjiang, Gansu and ShannXi. Kevin and Bai Bin are being accompanied by their international support team of medical, logistics and media professionals. Kevin Lin, who has previously run across the continent of Africa in 2006/7 and was Champion of 4 Deserts series of Ultramarathons, is confident that the runners can get to the finish line on September 16th.

Runners have had some very tough times along the way, with some injuries and stomach problems. However we are confident that we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead. We will have to be strong In China, the team is supported by the China Mountaineering Association. They have also enjoyed strong support from the National Olympic Committees of Iran and Uzbekistan. Andrew Strachan goes on to comment that ?The whole team is very excited to arrive in China. Incredibly, we are 4 days ahead of schedule thanks to the huge running efforts of Kevin and Bai Bin and also the tremendous support and friendship from partners, friends and authorities throughout Turkey, Iran and Central Asia.

For more information about The Home Expedition and Running the Silk Road, visit www.thehomeexpedition.org/ www.facebook.com/Thehomeexpedition For English media enquiries, please contact andrew@thehomeexpedition.org For Chinese media enquiries, please contact joanna.lin@thehomeexpedition.org