Explorers Connect

100 years since rediscovery of Machu Picchu

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

On Sunday 24th July, it will be 100 years to the day since Hiram Bingham's amazing rediscovery of the Inca fortress of Machu Picchu.

In honour of this, National Geographic have launched a dedicated section on their website celebrating all things Machu Picchu. There's the things one might expect, such as stunning photos and a detailed guide of the area, but there's also a whole host of added features for the inquisitive Inca explorer. A personal favourite is the 'Top 10 secrets of Machu Picchu,' detailing little known facts and describing how to get to hidden on site.

Machu Picchu remains one of the great archeological (re)discoveries of all time, and there's ample opportunity to learn more about the explorer and Yale lecturer, Hiram Bingham, who made the find. You can visit the site by following this link.