Explorers Connect

Sleeping in the Air for Wild Night Out

Wild Night OutBelinda Kirk

On June 30th 2018 Phoebe Smith, Ollie Laker and John Pike undertook a challenge to sleep dangling from 10 vertigo-inducing wonders – from the natural to the man made, going north to south along the length of Britain and ending up sleeping on the side of the Spinnaker Tower for Wild Night Out 2018.

Updated: Storytellers & Walk Leaders: Wild Night Out needs your help in Yorkshire & Peak District

Join a Team, Adventure Revolution, CommunityBelinda Kirk

Explorers Connect’s annual campaign “Wild Night Out” is encouraging free and very-low-cost events around the UK to encourage others to get outside on the national night of adventure 29th June 2019. Working with the Youth Hostel Association we need volunteers to help add a little magic to our adventure camp-outs at various locations around the country.

How Explorers Connect Started My Journey

Belinda Kirk

In 2012, I stumbled across a website called Explorers Connect. My head was full of big dreams, and becoming an expedition kayaker was right at the forefront. I now run my own expedition company, bringing together adventure-loving people. Happy birthday, Explorers Connect. You have influenced my journey more that you can imagine!

A Wild (Swimming) Night Out

Wild Night OutGuest User

How do you have a wild night out when you don’t particularly like camping? You go for a wild night swim instead! Ok, it wasn’t technically ‘night’ because it’s summer, but the sun was lazily sinking behind the treeline as I arrived at Hatchmere Lake for my swim.