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Seeking Ocean Spokespeople for Mental Health Awareness Week

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The Marine CoLABoration group is looking for people with compelling personal stories about how the ocean has helped them for the Ocean Sound Waves campaign.

The Ocean Sound Waves campaign aims to raise awareness of the positive impact that blue space can have on people’s mental and emotional wellbeing. The Marine CoLABoration believes that increasing people’s understanding of the value of the ocean will encourage them to protect it more.

The campaign will be run during Mental Health Awareness Week 13th – 19th May. The Marine CoLABoration is looking for people who are willing to share their stories of how the ocean has helped them, which will then pitch to local and national media as part of our bid to increase overall media coverage of the issue.

If you are interested in helping us, please email natalie@communicationsinc.co.uk with a short description of your story by Wednesday 1st May 2019.

To support the campaign please visit https://marinecolab.org/soundwaves/ or follow us at @Marine_CoLAB on Twitter. All retweets welcome!