Explorers Connect

Cycle across Africa - team mates wanted

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

I am a cyclist and love to go on cycling trips (road cycling so far). I have been all over Europe, Middle East, and Iran, usually for a couple of weeks each year and I usually cover around 150 to 180 km per day. I usually don’t do extremely accurate planning because I prefer to leave a lot of room to improvise and change on the go. 

I would love to plan a trip through Africa (Cape Town to Cairo, or any other route) and would love to team up with 2 or 3 persons to do so. I don’t have more details in mind because I prefer to shape the trip with the persons joining so it becomes a shared decision. I don’t want it to be my trip and have people joining, it should be our trip. If you’re interested then you should probably be willing to cycle every day for several weeks (months:). We will probably do a lot of camping, carry our gear and do our bike maintenance ourselves, ride in the rain or in the scorching sun, carry our food and water but be hungry and thirsty all the time, do a lot of cooking and eat anything from anywhere, rely on each other, not understand the people around us nor be understood... It won’t be easy, but it will be memorable. The estimated time required is around 4 months, if we don’t do any major stops (and if we do the Cairo to Cape Town itinerary). Depending on the place, we can stop for few days to enjoy different activities (surfing, hiking, paddling, sightseeing, safaris...). 

This is a non commercial trip, I am just looking for cool like minded people. If you don’t have the experience or think you’re not “fit” for it but have a very strong will, and a huge motivation, then you’re the perfect adventurer. 

More about me: I am a product designer, motorcyclist, surfer, boxer, cyclist, and love going on an adventure and learning new stuff. 

Please email me for any suggestions, tips, advice and of course if you’re interested to join: kamal.aoun@gmail.com