Explorers Connect

Crew wanted for adventure ultra-runner

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to crew for an adventure ultra-runner who likes to run very long distances in some beautiful places. 

She’s self-motivated - apart from in the mornings when she has to decide which is worse, death by traffic or death by dingo. Or in non-hysterical-ultra-runner terms - run on the road or run on the dirt track. 

She’s generally a happy-go-lucky gal - apart from when it’s pouring rain, it’s cold, and she’s run a hellova long way. Or in non-hysterical-ultra-runner terms - run in the rain woman, you’ll be fine. 

She’s self-sufficient - apart from when she needs something and is demanding it NOW! Or in non-hysterical-ultra-runner terms - choose your shoes and run.

She’s fun company - apart from on the night’s when she’s absolutely knackered and needs a sleep wherever she is. Or in non-hysterical-ultra-runner terms - pubs with couches are great places to eat and nap.

Soooooo, any volunteers? 

I am actually looking for someone who would like to crew with me when I run John O’Groats to Lands End via the 3 peaks. 

If I have managed to pique your interest, please let me know. 

I’m actually pretty experienced, easy to get along with, and not much of a diva … really

Get in touch at nikki@nikkilove.co.uk