Explorers Connect

Expedition Leeway

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

We're looking for  2-3 individuals to join our crew for Expedition Leeway-25 in the coming year.

 What is Expedition Leeway-25? 

 Inspired by Thor Heyerdahl's famous Kon-Tiki voyage in 1947, which aimed to demonstrate that Polynesia could have been settled by Peruvians, Expedition Leeway-25 seeks to further explore the capabilities of pre-Columbian rafts. Heyerdahl's journey sparked nearly 80 years of research into these ancient vessels, but their full potential remains untapped, especially concerning steering techniques. Our mission is to unveil these mysteries.

 Following a successful test run in Sweden in 2022, Expedition Leeway-25 plans to cross the North Atlantic from Norway, stopping in the Faroe Islands and Iceland, before reaching Greenland. We aim to demonstrate that these rafts were as capable as contemporary European ships.

 It is a non-commercial adventure!

Key Dates:

Build Start:

-              March 10, 2025, in Austrheim, Norway. The raft will be constructed by the crew and volunteers, almost entirely by hand, over 6-8 weeks.

 Launch Date:

-              Around April 26, 2025 (dependent on weather and construction progress).

 Voyage Duration:

-              Expect to sail until the end of August, with stops in the Faroe Islands and Iceland.

 Crew Requirements:

We are primarily seeking individuals to participate in both the build and the sea voyage. However, if you are only available for one of these phases, please contact us seither way, and we’ll find a solution.

 This expedition will be extremely challenging due to the open deck and rough weather conditions, testing your mental and physical resilience. Therefore, you must be in good mental and physical shape.

 We are primarily seeking experienced sailors and/ or individuals with experience in documenting similar projects.  Additionally, we value people who are handy, capable of improvisation, and creative problem solvers, essential qualities given the limited resources for this project.

 Above all, your dedication to learning new skills, reliability, trustworthiness, and ability to integrate well with the team are crucial factors.

But in general, if you think you’re a great fit even if not so experienced a sailor, contact us either way!

 Sponsorship and Contributions:

Our goal is to secure full sponsorship, minimizing participant costs to food, flights, personal gear beyond sponsored offshore sailing equipment, and mandatory survival training.

 For more information, please visit our website or contact us directly via email


Best regards, 

The Expedition Leeway-25 Team 

Email: expedition@leeway-25.com

Noe Schnyder: noe.schnyder@bluewin.ch