Explorers Connect

Sisters on Skates

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

In July 2025, a group of female endurance athletes will set out from Perth with roller-skis on their feet, aiming to become the first to make the journey across Australia to Sydney on small wheels and raise $1 million dollars for women's charities. 

Women are facing an unprecedented crisis of violence and poverty - this 4,000km skating journey will both highlight the resilience of women and raise much-needed funds to combat domestic violence and support women to live safe, dignified and empowered lives.

Never roller-skied before? You've got time to learn! If you are a capable endurance athlete and you identify as female and you're keen to join this expedition, I'd love to hear from you. 

The journey will take approx 75 days, skating around 60km per day. 

We are also looking for keen support crew (guys or girls) - support drivers, videographers, a physio, and people with awesome social media and fundraising skills.

If you're excited by this adventure, if you want to make a big difference in the lives of women, drop me an email at RLNicholls1@hotmail.com