Explorers Connect

Two female rowers sought to row the Atlantic in 2023

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

Update Dec 2022: Team is now full, please do not apply

The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge is a 3,000-mile rowing race from La Gomera in the Canary Islands to Antigua in the Caribbean – deemed one of the toughest challenges on earth. The race begins on 12th December 2023, then 1.5 million oarstrokes, ca. 30-50 days later, crews begin to arrive into English Harbour, powered solely by the team on board.

Teams will typically spend 2 hours on (the oars) and 2 hours off, 24 hours a day – surviving on freeze dried ration packs and desalinated water. Out at sea, with nothing but mother nature and your teammates for company, past crews recount fond memories of the detachment from hectic, digital life, focused instead on the simplicity and wonderful wildlife experienced along this extraordinary journey.  

There She Rows is a team born out of the desire to inspire women and girls everywhere, to showcase that through sport, dreams can be achieved and conquered. We are seeking two like-minded team mates to join our crew to take on this incredible adventure.

No rowing experience required, but a love of adventure and demonstrable interest in endurance sport preferable. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, please drop us a line at theresherows@gmail.com - we'd love to hear from you.