Explorers Connect

Chloe is seeking a teammate for a two week Oman mountain fastpacking trek

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

Hello I’m Chloe, looking for a female teammate ideally at a similar age/stage to myself, I’m 48 so hoping to find someone in the over 40 age bracket (I’m keen to promote older women in adventure). The challenge is raising funds for a youth adventure grant we’re setting up, and involves a fastpacking expedition to the Hajar Mountains of Oman. Hoping we’ll be the first female pair to fastpack a traverse of the western Hajar, looking for someone with mountain experience, good fitness and navigating experience - we’ll be using Garmins to navigate but understanding of maps and compass navigation is important. We’ll be self supported, carrying our gear, sending food ahead for collection en route. Some wild camping (no tent required but possibly a bivvy), and some hotel/bnb stays. Must provide own kit and expenses including flights and accommodation. Positive attitude, sense of humour and commitment to preparation are key. Please get in touch with Chloe if you’re interested at connect@nowonearth.com.

More info: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/youth-adventure-grant