Explorers Connect

Women's End2End hiking relay across UK

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

Starting 16th June 2022 in Land’s End, the Women’s End2End relay will finish 74 days later in John O’Groats. Hundreds of women from across the UK will come together to help carry the baton across 2,028km and over 36,970m of elevation.

This is an eco relay. All money raised from the adventure will go to The Woodland Trust to help protect UK’s wild spaces and participants will be encouraged to take away plastic pollution they find en route.

Dates: Start 16th June 2022 at Land's End. Finish 28th August at John O'Groats.

Who we are looking to join: 

The Love Her Wild community was set up to help diversify the outdoors and get more women outdoors on adventures. We believe every woman deserves an adventure, because they build confidence, forge friendships and help realise potential.

We are looking for any women who would like to take on the challenge of walking the baton from one end of the country to the other. You do need to be 18+ and no dogs on the relay, unfortunately. 

You are welcome to leave the relay at any point – do a half day or just a mile – but your ‘exit route’ needs to be planned by yourself. For this reason it’s important that you are fit enough to participate and are carrying suitable gear. You will also need to sign up for the day no matter how little you intend to walk so our leaders know to expect you.

Contact details: ali@loveherwild.com

The event is run by Love Her Wild which is a CIC, this is a not-for-profit adventure. Any money raised will be going directly to the Woodland Trust.