Explorers Connect

Kyrgyzstan to London Adventure

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

Hi there!

We're Max, Becca and Joel (or as we're usually known: the Global Convoy) and we recently finished running an overlanding tour from the UK to Kyrgyzstan with 2 cars and we're happy to report that both cars made it the whole way!

We're obviously in love with the vehicles now and this leaves us with the fabulous conundrum of how to return them home!

We had so much fun heading out there we decided we might as well just do the reverse, get some new people involved and have a whole new adventure :)

We don't want to sound overconfident but we do this somewhat all the time now and having literally just finished this route we've got some great connections and newly made friends along the way - meaning a rather high level of authentic local interactions for anyone choosing to join us!

A quick overview of the trip:

  • Fly into Bishkek Kyrgyzstan and pick up the cars (our fixer is checking them over now)

  • Hit up the majority of Uzbekistan's highlights on the way to Kazakhstan's coastal region

  • Cross the Caspian Sea to Baku, Azerbaijan and take in some mud-volcanoes, flaming water, etc.

  • Reach Georgia and and enjoy their UNESCO-official unique style of wine - perhaps keep some to take home!

  • Hug Turkey's Northern coastline to make the most of discount accommodation/beaches

  • Cross back into Europe where we're effectively running a victory lap of the friends we've made over the years who have offered to let us stay at their places! All the way back to the UK

And here's a map:

Global Convoy.jpg

We're looking for only 9 people for this one and have kept the trip to roughly 3 weeks to make it as accessible as possible as most people can't take 2 months of holiday!

We'll set off on 27th of March and the plan is to be back in the UK in 3 weeks time.

As a contingency, we have planned in many, regular airport hubs to pass by in case people suddenly need to rush home or if we fall behind schedule.

Feel free to join for as much or as little of the trip as you can! If you're at all interested or have any questions please let us know at info@globalconvoy.com or shoot us a message on our FB page

We look forward to hearing from you and hope you can join us!

-Becca, Joel, Max


If you are planning an expedition or adventure and would like help with teammates or advice, please follow the instructions at the top of our Join A Team webpage, and then get in touch with us through enquiries@explorersconnect.com. #AdventureRevolution