Explorers Connect

My Honeymoon Wild Night Out

Wild Night OutBelinda Kirk
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by Leanne Downs

This year, we got married a week before Wild Night Out, so the day fell during what was essentially our honeymoon week! We stayed at home for the week after our wedding, too exhausted to holiday away from home, but we filled the week with lots of nice outings - including a wild camp out for WNO. We had to keep things simple, as we had a family occasion during the day so couldn’t venture far, but this restriction was great. Last year we got a Megabus up to Scotland for Wild Night Out, but this year, we packed our car up, stopped off at the supermarket for snacks and then drove 15 minutes down the road, made a short hike along the North Downs Way with our dog and set up camp near some ruins.

It was a gorgeous sunny evening, and night. I woke up in the early hours thinking someone had rumbled us and a floodlight was shining on our tent - turns out it was the moonrise! It was so bright and beautiful. In the morning we woke early to walk our dog as there was promise of another scorching hot day, and we didn’t want any walkers coming across our little camp. We had beautiful sunrise views over the Downs before packing the car back up and driving home. It was a short and sweet micro adventure that helped us experience a little corner of our home county in a way we haven’t previously, and we donated to the Youth Adventure Trust in the hope that it helps a young person do the same.

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There are so many ways you can go wild at night. Anyone and everyone can take this opportunity to make some amazing memories to treasure forever. To get your imagination going, we’ve gathered together some ideas, stories, and how-to guides to help you design the very best Wild Night Out for you.

Everyone needs a Wild Night Out!