Explorers Connect

Wild Night Out 2018 on the South Downs, with Holly Budge

Wild Night OutBelinda Kirk

Holly Budge is an adventurer, conservationist and Everest Summiteer. After going on adventures all over the world, including in Africa, Mongolia and Mount Everest, she is turning her sights closer to home to encourage everyone to get outdoors with her own Wild Night Out.

Fewer people, especially young people and children, are getting outside and visiting the countryside and green spaces on offer in Britain. Fresh air has incredible health benefits and can help reset the body clock to sleep better as well as provide a great source of exercise.

Research from Natural England shows that:

  • One in nine children in England have not been to a natural environment in the past 12 months

  • Only a third of children in Britain spent more than an hour a day outdoors

  • More than a third of children have never been camping

In an age where more people are becoming inactive and technology is a central part of life from an early age (children spend an average of 6 hours a day in front of a screen), it is more important than ever to get outside.

Due to this, Holly is committed to encouraging children, and young people especially, to ditch the screen and experience real life, fresh air and adventure in a spectacular setting. 

Holly’s Wild Night Out event

Wild Night Out on the South Downs, organised by Holly, aims to encourage everyone – families, first timers, seasoned explorers – to enjoy a night (and day) of wild adventure on Saturday 30th June 2018 on the South Downs at Holden Farm, Cheriton on the South Downs Way near Alresford, Hampshire.

The event will include a camping experience, music under the stars, lessons and bird watching.

Activities at the campground will include stories round the campfire with several informal short talks including a talk about ‘Everest and Elephants’ by Holly.

All proceeds from the event will go to Holly’s charity ‘How Many Elephants’, a conservation charity she founded that works to create awareness of the declining numbers of elephants killed by poachers for the ivory trade. If current levels of poaching continue, in just seven years there will be no elephants left in the wild.

Optional Walk: On Saturday afternoon there will also be an optional 5-mile walk with Holly from Alresford (meet at White Space Alresford) to Holden Farm and back again the following morning.

For those wishing to take part in Wild Night Out on the South Downs, they will have to bring their own tent, chair (optional!), food & drink. The facilities onsite include hot showers, toilets and washing up facilities.

 For further information and to book, visit:


Ticket price: Adult: £10 Family: £25

Holly's why:

“My motivation for organising this Wild Night Out event is to show people of all ages how accessible, affordable and fun being in the outdoors is. My interests span adventure and conservation, so I am in a good position to reach out to the public on multiple levels. Through the lens of conservation, my message is get outside and be in nature, observe and preserve it. My message is simple, think big, dream bigger, start today. “

Holly Budge



There are so many ways you can go wild at night. Anyone and everyone can take this opportunity to make some amazing memories to treasure forever. To get your imagination going, we’ve gathered together some ideas, stories, and how-to guides to help you design the very best Wild Night Out for you.

Everyone needs a Wild Night Out!