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Teammates wanted - video editor and social media whizz!

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I'm currently on a mission to see how far it is possible to go on a fold up, inflatable boat. My first objective is to track down Santa at the Arctic circle in Finnish Lapland. I began the journey a few weeks ago in Varna, Bulgaria. After following the Black Sea coast up to the mouth of the Danube I've now followed the Danube up to Budapest. I plan to continue following the Danube into Germany where I will navigate the inland waterways up to Lubeck before following the Danish and Swedish coasts up to Finland, where I will then take the Kemijoki river up to Rovaniemi (where I hope to find Santa!). I anticipate continuing the journey down into the Baltic states and beyond if time allows and go as far as I can get before September 14th when I have to be back at the Tohatsu stand at the Southampton boat show (they donated the outboard).

I'm a complete beginer at video editing and it's enormously time consuming (for me anyway), I'm also not the most up to date with social media so basically I'm looking for people who will be able to help with those things.

Looking for: Video editors and social media wizzkids ideally with some evidence of past work to join either for all, or parts of the trip. Other than the requested techical skills the most important thing I'm looking for is an easy going nature with a sunny disposition, there will be trials and tribulations but if approached with the right attitube it's all just part of a good story.

The trip has been sponsored by Tohatsu and to a lesser extent F-RIB but is otherwise non-commercial. I will not be asking for any money (and positions would be unpaid) but I do ask that people will be able to cover their own expenses (food/accommodation) and perhaps chip in a bit for fuel (we use approx 2.5-3L/h). We will mostly be staying in campsites and wild camping in Sweden and Finland. Also, I have spare life jackets and all required licenses and safety equipment.

Youtube Channel: Inflatable Seafaring (youtube.com/channel/UC7XzjRBHFyQ0ixNIHbQ3vlA)


Contact: info@inflatableseafaring.com

Regards, Martin Searle