Explorers Connect

Campfire Recipe: Chocolate Orange Campfire Cake

Wild Night OutBelinda Kirk

Chocolate Orange Campfire Cakes are a perfect pudding for a wild night out with the kids. A cake cooked in an orange will get the kids intrigued and raring to have a go at this fun recipe. 


- Oranges. You'll need one orange per cake

- Instant cake mix. Look for ones where you just need to add water. We used a chocolate fudge cake mix, which worked well.

- Foil

- Campfire or BBQ


1.  First, you need to prepare each orange by slicing off the top at about 1/4 of the way down.

2. Hollow out the orange by removing the contents with a spoon.

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3 Make the cake mix by following the instructions on the cake mix packet.

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4. Then the messy part! Filling each orange with the cake mix and remember to put the top back on.

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5.  Carefully wrap the oranges in foil and cook on the campfire.

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6. The cooking time depends on the temperature of your campfire and where you place them in your campfire. It is probably a good idea to check them every 10 minutes.

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It's then time to sit around the campfire and enjoy.


There are so many ways you can go wild at night. Anyone and everyone can take this opportunity to make some amazing memories to treasure forever. To get your imagination going, we’ve gathered together some ideas, stories, and how-to guides to help you design the very best Wild Night Out for you.

Everyone needs a Wild Night Out!